Sunday, March 27, 2011


I love Facebook. It's allowed my far flung family to keep in touch. Pictures have been posted from all over the world and we are amazed that our great uncle Joe looks just like someone's new baby.

I have my reservations though. Businesses and organisations ask you to connect to them. Is this a good thing? What can they access? I'm a little leery about this aspect of it.

However, since we moved in the Fall, it has been a great tool to keep in touch with friends. So All Things Edible, jump on board! We miss you!

1 comment:

  1. ACK!! No no no no no no!!!
    Can't do it.
    However, I have a new cell, and I'd love to put you in MY5 so we can call and text each other. :-)
    Or even better - MOVE BACK!!!!!! =P
