Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Today is a gorgeous sunny Easter morning.

This week we've been watching a wild rabbit hop it's way all over our yard. We're not sure what attracts the rabbits but every year around this time one or two "Easter" bunnies cavort on our lawn.

In previous years our children would be fascinated by the wild bunnies. Not one to waste an opportunity, I christened them the Easter bunnies. Last year was the final year for the magic of the Easter bunny and everyone has graduated to a more sophisticated level of understanding of their parents' deception.

Our youngest was thrilled to be the master of the Easter egg hunt since he was in charge of hiding all the chocolate eggs. As the official Easter bunny, he is patiently waiting for his teenage siblings to wake up and hunt for the eggs.

This may take a while.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe I can imagine!

    We were able to bring ours into the secret of the deception this year. It was interesting.

    Have a good day!
